itineraire mis-a-jour le 25/12/2011, 26 100 km parcourus

mardi 25 janvier 2011

25/01/11 Hong Kong

First sight of Hong Kong, a city always hidden in a thick smog. We arrived by boat from LianHuaShan South of Guangzhou, a cheap and comfortable way to travel from Guangzhou to Hong Kong, especially when you are carrying two heavy bikes.

In Hong Kong, we had the pleasure to stay with Colin, Krystina and "The Bean", a very nice family leaving in Stanley on the South shore of the island. We spent a fair amount of time with them, talking and learning about Hong Kong, Singapore (where they had been living for a couple of years) and Asia in general. Thank you for those fabulous days spent with you. I hope we will meet again!

 A temple in Hong Kong. Large incense spiral coils hanging everywhere

The famous laser show, not very impressive compared to "Le moulin à image" in Quebec City

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