itineraire mis-a-jour le 25/12/2011, 26 100 km parcourus

jeudi 1 juillet 2010

01/07/10 Chesterton to Chicago

In the morning, we have breakfast with the Witt family. We leave early in the morning because there is a long way to go. We take successively three bike trails that brought us in the south suburbia of Chicago. Then, we bike three hours in the busy Chicagoan streets before finally getting to Miroslav's apartment. Miro is from Detroit but is now studying at the University of Chicago. Similarly to us, he is planning a trip from Chicago to San Francisco on his bike. He lives in a huge apartment in Hyde Park with 7 other people, all nice. Although we are tired, we decide to go on the North side of Chicago to have diner. The ride is very cool. Chicago has built a good waterfront trail that looks pretty and that offers to the cyclists a fast way for commuting to the downtown.
Distance: 95 km + 40 km

3 commentaires:

  1. Welcome to Chicago guys! It's a nice town - I was there last year.

    I'm enjoying keeping up with your travels. Guess you are on the way to Minneapolis now? All the best!

  2. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  3. Definitely looks like a nice ride guys. Thanks for bringing us with you on your travels through this blog.
    Best of luck and I'm looking forward to read some more ;)
