itineraire mis-a-jour le 25/12/2011, 26 100 km parcourus

vendredi 30 juillet 2010

25-30/07/10 Healing process at Fallen

Now, we had been at Jill and Ben's place for 5 days and Xavier's butt was still bright red and he was spending all his days naked in bed. So we needed some change of scenery. Luckyly, we had met the Witt family in Chesterton IN and they had told us they had some friend close to Minneapolis.
So we called them. And Bob, the father, came to pick us up with all our gears. And we didn't only meet Bob when we got to Plymouth, but his wife Kathy, their children Tom and Kelley, Bob's brother Mark, his wife Ladonna, thier children Connor, Carter and Chloe. Also, Bob's sister Michelle visiting from Phoenix with her two daughters Carmen and Regan. The two dogs Guiness and Murphey. That's about everyboby. The Fallen's are a great family, and combined with good wine and nice fire pits we started to really like them!!!!

Now something else that helped a lot is that Bob had been to Quebec and all these great place like Trois-Rivere and Chicoutimi, and was a huge Habs fan, or at least knew a lot about it. Also Mark is a physician it helped little scared Xavier to fell a lot better being told everyday he wouldn't die of all his wounds. Because really Xavier was still spending most of his time in bed and couldn't really walk or sit. Worst of all he was not eating.

At one point they all decied that it was enough of Xavier looking like he was just straight out of Afganistan. It was time for the hair cut.

Now things are much better and we are going to head out tomorrow. Back on the road! I can't wait it's been such a long time. But there are still a couple other things to say about this big familly. We were amazed by your simplicity and your humour. We were really happy to share with you a passion for hockey, wine and great food. For the 5 days we were at your place we really felt like home and that certainly helped Xavier to recover. Bob also made some lettering for our bags. WOW

You are all more than welcome to come couchsurfing at our place anytime! We can't promess a bed, or even a couch. But we can promess good wine, good food and good compagny.

5 commentaires:

  1. Content de voir que Xavier va mieux. J'adore votre aventure et vos rencontres. C'est vrai que le monde est remplie de personnes fantastiques. ;-)

  2. Xavier, je te l'avais pourtant bien dit qu'une selle n'était pas superflue pour ce genre de voyage! Lachez pas les boys! :) Bonne continuation!

  3. Allez les amis!!!!
    Vous êtes à la moitié!!!!!
    Je compatis avec vos blessures, mais dites-vous bien que vous serez tellement fiers de ce que vous aurez accompli qu'un petit bobo (ou un gros) en vaut le coup.
    Allez hop! en selle!

  4. I have enjoyed reading your blog, I feel like I am there with you! Great work keeping it updated.

    I hope that you are both healthy and full of energy! I look forward to your August blog posts, and following this amazing journey.

    With love from Mississauga, -Rohit

  5. Haha, ça faisait un p'tit bout que je ne vous avais pas lu, pris dans mon propre trip mais là on a prit une journée de repos! Vous l,avez eu difficile mes amis! Nous à part le début des Rocheuses, nos problèmes ont été assez ridicules comparés aux vôtres! Je ne comprends toujours pas comment vous faîtes pour toujours vous faire inviter à dormir ou à souper, vous devez avoir un charme qui nous est interdit (peut-être nos barbes et nos cheveux qui ne cessent de croître!) Envoyez-moi un p'tit e-mail bientôt, on devrait être près de se rencontrer, on est rendus dans la vallée de l'Okanagan! Bon courage et vive les cyclos!
