itineraire mis-a-jour le 25/12/2011, 26 100 km parcourus

mardi 22 juin 2010

22/06/10 Wheatley to Essex

This day was suppose to be easy. We would get to Lemington and take the boat to Sandusky and we would be in the U.S. Done

Things ended up a bit different. When we got to Lemington, on a Tuesday, we learned that the next boat to Sandusky was on Friday.And there was something wrong with my wheel, like a constant bump, but we couldn't really tell what it was so we started looking for a bike shop to learn that the last one in town had closed 6 months a go. We just went to the library, which is becoming our best friend for internet access, and started thinking of another plan. At 5pm we left in the direction of Windsor. We would cross the border in Detroit.

 Distance: 54 km

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