itineraire mis-a-jour le 25/12/2011, 26 100 km parcourus

dimanche 27 juin 2010

27/06/10 Coldwater to Sturgis

When we wake up in the morning, there are two new people in the cottage, Mike's dad and his girlfriend just arrived. A thunderstorm is coming so we decide to wait before leaving. Mike's father cooks breakfast for everyone and later, we swim in the lake. Since we are no longer on our road, we have to find a new itinerary. After having lunch in Coldwater, we say good bye to our awesome hosts and go back on our bikes.Thank you Mike and Jessica for sharing so much with us.

We stop at Sturgis around 21h00 and ask a man who is gardening if we can pitch our tent in his backyard. He answers that this place does not belong to him but that he will try to find the owner. So he comes back with the owner 10 minutes later. She unlocks the door and just lets us go in. Wow! I can't believe someone offered  us an entire house to sleep without knowing us at all. We are flabbergasted! 
Distance: 45 km

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