itineraire mis-a-jour le 25/12/2011, 26 100 km parcourus

vendredi 24 septembre 2010

24/09/10 Vernon to Oyama

 When we wake up the next morning we decide to try the employment center and try a few phone calls. Obviously the employment center is not the right place to go, it's for people looking for a "real" job. We try to call but the public phone we choose doesn't work so finally we decide to leave Vernon. When we get to Oyama we go to every orchard we see and ask if they need us. We get a lot of contradictory information and there doesn't seem to be much job around here although we see apple trees full everywhere. As for a remarkable person we meet in our quest; a guy who just hired mexicans so he won't hire french candians because he has to pay them a fare wage! WOW!
Finally we end with an offer for grape picking in Kelowna for 1 day. But everyone seems to be mentioning some Roger guy in the village that might need help. So we decide to go back there, finally see people picking apple that tell us to stay. After a few phone calls and the worst conversation I had on the phone in years, I couldn't understand anything the other person was saying we get a job for the next morning.
He comes to pick us up and brings us to a "camp" where four french people are already staying. Good news is we will have a camper, and it's really clean and much more comfortable than our tent.
 Tomorrow, 6h45 we are gonna start picking for Paramji, an Indian guy who is renting orchards in the area. Distance: 25 km

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